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© Canyon Ministries
Flagstaff, Arizona

"What happens in the canyon stays with you a lifetime. What happens in your heart stays with you for eternity!"

Desert-View-towards-the-Confluence-Matte copy

May 2015

Dr. Danny Faulkner, of Answers in Genesis, wrote an article on January 1, 2014 discussing just a few of the wonders of the "just right" nature of the earth.  Dr. Faulkner succinctly explains 3 important facts. 1. The earth is just the right distance from the sun (the habitable zone). The earth is perfectly positioned to be neither too hot nor too cold.  We will neither burn nor freeze.  Of course, we may need to do some convincing of that for people living in Phoenix, AZ and Siberia. 2. The Earth is

Canyon Ministries

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