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© Canyon Ministries
Flagstaff, Arizona

September 5-11, 2024 Geology and Apologetics with Bryce Brothers & John Kelley


187 Miles • Lees Ferry to Whitmore


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September Special 7-Day Grand Canyon River Trip

John Kelley Grand CanyonBryce Brothers Grand Canyon MinistriesEmbark on an exhilarating 7-day Grand Canyon river expedition led by Canyon Ministries guides Bryce Brothers and John Kelley—a journey designed to ignite your heart, soul, mind, and strength as we explore the canyon through a biblical lens of Creation and Flood perspective, and discover its profound relevance to our lives and Christian faith.

Over the years, Bryce has led hundreds of tours at the Grand Canyon, where he has a unique way of sharing the gospel truth and spiritual application in a real and personal way.  John has been both a guide and board member for Canyon Ministries for over a decade and co-led numerous trips with our founder, Tom Vail.  Together they will co-lead this special September trip, which is a real treat due to cooler and more enjoyable temperatures in the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

Unlike most of our trips outfitted by Arizona River Runners, this trip will be run by their sister company Grand Canyon Whitewater, so communication may be a bit different than you’re used to seeing.  The boats and trip logistics will remain the same, but just a different outfitter name.

Don’t miss this rare opportunity for a September Grand Canyon river trip!


Colorado River Rafting Grand Canyon Ministries

Canyon Ministries

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