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© Canyon Ministries
Flagstaff, Arizona
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Lessons, Life, & Loving God

  • Even as someone who has taught on creation for more than two decades, this has been an invaluable opportunity for me to develop a greater understanding of how the Grand Canyon provides powerful evidence for the biblical flood. In April/May 2024,

  • Living beyond the rim means being liberated from the worries and cares of this world. It means embracing a greater purpose and looking forward to eternity with hope and anticipation The Grand Canyon, with its vast expanse and awe-inspiring beauty, draws

  • Just as the layers of rock in the canyon tell a story of upheaval and transformation, so too does the gospel narrative speak of God's relentless pursuit of humanity's redemption. Every year, millions of people flock to the Grand Canyon, drawn

  • Whereas catastrophic conditions such as rapid burial and an oxygen-free environment facilitate fossil preservation, today's oceans do not support such phenomena. Within the sedimentary layers of the Grand Canyon lies compelling evidence of a cataclysmic event—a plethora of marine ocean fossils.

  • Just as a river, when flowing within its banks, nourishes the land and sustains life, so too does a disciplined life overflow with blessings for others. In the rugged terrain of the Grand Canyon, where the Flood has left a signature

  • The Grand Canyon, with its layers of rock and tumultuous history, is a living testament to this truth. It stands as a reminder of God's judgment upon a sinful world, but also of His redemptive love and mercy. In Joshua chapter

  • In embracing the challenge of seeking out our own wilderness, we invite God to speak to us in ways we may never have imagined. Why the wilderness?  Why is it we often see great people of faith, and even Jesus Christ

  •   Since 2008, Canyon Ministries has labored to multiply our Kingdom impact by training and serving ministry leaders through an annual river trip program we call the Christian Leaders Trip (CLT).  God has graced us with the opportunity to be a

  • Adam Huff - April 13, 2023   All these factors combined to form Bryce’s remarkable features very quickly in the early post-flood years. One hundred miles north of Grand Canyon lies a typical southern Utah plateau. Peculiarly named the Paunsaugunt, this relatively

  • A tour to Yellowstone National Park is one of the most awe-inspiring places on earth, with its stunning geysers, hot springs, waterfalls, and abundant wildlife. For Christians, the beauty of Yellowstone offers a unique opportunity to reflect on God's creation

  • Horseshoe Bend is a spectacular place to visit near the Grand Canyon.  Though technically (and often mistakably attributed) it is not part of the Grand Canyon National Park, which begins a few miles downstream at Lees Ferry.  Nor is it

  • Coyote Gulch backpacking trip renamed and revamped as Grand Staircase Adventure! Without a doubt, backpacking in Coyote Gulch is one of our most thrilling adventures. With breathtaking sights and exhilarating challenges around every corner, it has become a big hit with

GuidePosts Kaibab Trail Grand Canyon

GuidePosts is a collection of blogs and articles by our guides which can be viewed below chronologically, or by selecting the author below.

The guides at Canyon Ministries have a wealth of knowledge and experience in and around the Grand Canyon, a solid understanding of the issues centered around the Biblical Creation/evolution debate, and a firm foundation in Biblical truth and how it applies to the Grand Canyon.

We hope you will find the information presented encouraging and faith-building as we look at Lessons, Life, & Loving God…Grand Canyon Style.

Jon Albert



Dr. Bill Barrick




Nate Loper





Tom Vail





Canyon Ministries

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