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© Canyon Ministries
Flagstaff, Arizona
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September 2013

In August of 2012 my family and I traveled from MN to AZ to prayerfully consider serving the kingdom through Canyon Ministries.  Naturally, a portion of our time was spent at the south rim of the Grand Canyon.  We chose to view the film offered at the Visitor's Center near Mather Point.  It is a remarkable film that expresses the magnificence of the Canyon until it gets to the presentation of its formation.  As the narrator dramatically tells how the Colorado River formed the canyon over millions of

Happy Monday everybody.  The Texas education system is reviewing its curriculum used throughout the public education community.  The process allows for public evaluations of what has been used and suggestions for what could be used.  A band of believers is asking for the science text books to present the evolutionary model as a theory rather than fact.  Also, they are asking that creation be presented as well as a viable theory.  The Texas public education system is the largest in the U.S.  As such, it sets the bar

Canyon Ministries

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